Monday, February 1, 2010

35 Week Surprise

At 35 weeks


Hungry 24/7, feeling huge, being forced to rest (booooring!)
feeling like my belly button is going to do something weird - like POP!...
hands are sore, tossing & turning all night - getting little sleep, but napping from time to time. I'm not really smiling in this picture, this is why:

Now here's some crappy news - I woke up last Tuesday morning with a numb tongue. Ok, I thought it was strange, but continued on with my day normally. By the end of the day my food tasted funny, my teeth felt numb, and when I brushed my teeth my lips were so numb I couldn't pucker my mouth to spit! Now I'm feeling a little scared. My neck is also hurting right behind my ear - there is a throbbing pain. I'm medically savvy enough to know that this is something with my nervous system. It seems to only be affecting the right side of my face. It was already 11pm so I went to bed. I woke up Wednesday morning and my right eye was tearing and I couldn't raise my eyebrow.


It was 8:20am and the OB's office didn't open til 9am. Hubby stuck around till then to hear what she had to say. He was concerned. I could see it in his face, but he was trying to not freak me out more than I already was. They finally call me back to tell me to go to the Emergency Room. Great...Those were probably the last words in the world that I wanted to hear...
After visiting the ER, going to see my OB, picking up some meds, & visiting a neurologist. I officially have Bells Palsy...

a disfunction of cranial nerve VII (the facial nerve) that results in inability to control facial muscles on the affected side.

I am completely thankful that this is something that Sofia knows nothing about! She has no idea whats going on and it doesn't affect her at all. It does however affect me. :( I can't smile...Well, I can, but only on one side so it looks pretty funny. It makes you a little self conscious when it's something that is in such an obvious place. Right on your face!
Now 6 days later, I have regained some mobility in my mouth. Before I couldn't move the right side of my mouth at all. Now I can move it a little. It was a big enough deal to get a high five from hubby when I showed him!
Bells Palsy is more common than I knew, according to the neurologist and it is 3 times more likely to happen to pregnant women. Like we don't suffer enough! lol...I feel much better knowing that this is temporary. I feel fine, it's just horribly uncomfortable to look so weird.
I'll absolutely be posting a picture of me smiling really big when I get better! Stay tuned... :) :)


  1. sorry to hear Francisca, but I'm sure everything will be fine real soon. Just wanted to let you know that I'm truly happy for you. Everytime I see your profile, I actually feel all the positive energy that surrounds you & that you give as well. I see your happiness. You have a great husband, wonderful family & good friends, so you must be an awesome person. I bet little Sofia is going to be a healthy beautiful baby. Good luck with everything. Best wishes to Friago + One...

    <3 Blythe

  2. My Aunt had Bells a few years ago and is completly fine! She has her smile back but said it was really scary. I hope you are doin well I know this was last month.
